One of the news headlines this morning was “shock horror” an MP has been bugged by the security services whilst speaking to a terrorist suspect in prison, This, apparently, is not allowed because MPs are afforded special protection from bugging under the Wilson Doctrine. Excuse me? Wasn’t Harold Wilson the Prime Minister that security services suspected of being a Russian spy? No wonder he introduced this “doctrine”.
And if us mere mortals can be bugged why should MP’s be exempt? They are the most disreputable bunch of no-good tossers that ever walked this earth. There, now I’ve upset myself again.
A second news item was that the 600-year old tradition of pancake racing at Rippon Cathedral has had to be abandoned this year because they couldn’t find enough volunteers to a do a risk assessment. Scream, scream, pull hair out!
And on a more random note - Ernest Hemingway made a $10 bet that he could write a complete story in 6 words. He wrote - For sale: Baby shoes. Never worn. My life in 6 words? I came, I saw, I failed. Only kidding.
Bernard M. Baruch
"I will never be an old man. To me, old age is always 15 years older than I
22 hours ago
Wish I had thought of it. Here's someone's three-word story - "God lay dying"!
As to MPs, I don't agree with you -they aren't ALL bad. Like with lawyers, doctors and priests (note the precedence) and, e.g., in AA and Al-Anon meetings, some conversations must be confidential. If not, life can't work properly.
Hope I haven't raised your blood pressure again!
Dear DogLover, Grrrrrr
I'm not knocking what Dog Lover says but what amazed me on Sunday was the quote that MPs can't be bugged because if you can't trust an MP who can you trust?Helloooooooo!!!! Sorry did someone mention shouting at the TV????????????
jean genie(us) - I didn't say how many MPs I thought weren't all bad!
Give me a moment and I'll come up with the name of one who is OK ...
Well DogLover, no name yet? I can think of one who I had better not mention by name but here is a clue. There is an annual regatta in his manor. He confesses to being deeply flawed and in my book that counts as honesty.
I'm with you on the dodgy MPs, I think it would be great if they were bugged. M x
I shout at Breakfast television every time Maggie Philbin is on and we haven't been asked. Bitter me!!!!!
I think we pretty well have consensus here. It is now my belief that most people shout at breakfast TV and despise MP's except DogLover who missed the point altogether.
It would be right to agree that there should be laws/rules regarding privacy but why should MP's be given dispensation?
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