Today is that day that we have both longed for and dreaded. The operation. After a long stressful day the surgeon rang me at 1500 to say that the operation had been successful and that my dearly beloved had come through it well. There were no visible signs that the cancer had spread but they have sent samples off for analysis and will have the results through in the next 2 to 3 weeks. More waiting, but this is one milestone over.
There had been doubt whether a complete bladder reconstruction was possible and, as it turned out, it was. As Davy had said to our GP "how can I jump into bed with a 25 year old wearing a pee bag" to which he replied "and what does Ann say about this?" So, God willing, his pulling days are not yet over! But what is it they say - the spirit is willing, but the body is weak?!
I am now waiting for word that he has been moved to the Intensive Care Unit so that I can visit him. To be frank, I'm quite scare still because I know he will be so poorly, but, as I say, it's one milestone over.
My wonderful grandson stayed with me all day and we were joined for lunch by his (and my) friend Wayne. They helped to make the day bearable. Thanks guys I am eternally grateful to you. Love you lots and lots.
To all our friends that I would usually email, please forgive me for not being able to - my dongle didn't work! To address the problem was not top of my list of priorities and I'm sure you will understand.
Tuesday, 18 March 2008
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What a lovely time we had at lunchtime, good food and company - oh and free desert!
I'm so glad it turned out well today for Davy, fingers crossed the worst is over!
Look forward to seeing you both soon :o)
Well done, that's one hurdle over. It sounds as if you have wonderful support. Love and thoughts. M xx
Hi again Wayne. Thanks for your support and company. You will never know how much it meant to me that you and Vinnie took time out of your busy schedules to keep my morale up. You are both stars and will have your reward in heaven.
Thank you M. We do have a brilliant family and because Vinnie lives in Cambridge he took it upon himself to look after this silly old woman. Tonight he is taking me out to dinner. I am very, very blessed.
We are glad Davy is out of his operation Ann. We are all thinking of you both and sending lots of hugs and love. Amy xxx (Browning)
Thanks for the update, R&C. Excellent news. I'm getting Ross to look at your blog so that I don't need to email him!
Ann, so glad it is all over & hubbie is on the mend! Phew! I know exactly what it's like, as mine had to face a really long, drawn out op too. The waiting seems like forever!
Hope the results are perfect. Isn't it wonderful what they can do today, compared with fifty years ago!
I am happy for you and for your husband. They can do wonders with the human body these days..
Even though the recovery might be long - at least everything is looking on the up side instead of the down...
Wonderful news...tell Davy we are all thinking about him..
Amen. So glad this first step is over and, hopefully, the rest of the treatment will be as successful. A big load has just been lifted off our shoulder. Family is always there when you need them most and who would think a young man with a busy life would step up to take care of his grandmother. Just goes to show that you've done the right things by him. Love you, Flagmaker
It's already been said by your many blogger friends and fans but just to say; we are sooooo glad & relieved that it went sooooo well... We think of you often and although we don't say it often enough 'WE LOVE YOU BOTH'. Looking forward to seeing you in April and hopefully the old git will be out and about on his roller blades by then... All our love and thoughts from 'Trec to Toulouse' !!! xxx
Hi everyone,just a quick update before I go to the hospital. The operation went well, but the after shock is now kicking in. The surgeon said this would happen but all in all things are going well. One of the nurses said "it's amazing what they can do now. This operation is "bionic man" technology and this surgeon is one of the foremost in the world". So we have to be grateful.
Love to everyone, especially my "french family".
Ann/Mum xx
I am thinking about you and your family at this difficult time. I do hope that you Husband is improving.
So glad to hear the the op went well. Now you can face the next step. So pleased you have good support near you. Hugs and stuff, Flick xx
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