Thursday, 5 June 2008


This was sent to me by my beautiful friend with whom I will be lunching again this Saturday.

Age 3 - She looks at herself and sees a Queen

Age 8 - She looks at herself and sees Cinderella

Age 15 - She looks at herself and sees an Ugly Sister ('Mum, I can't go to school looking like this!')

Age 20 - She looks at herself and sees 'too fat / too thin / too short / too tall / too straight / too curly' - but decides she's going out anyway

Age 30 - She looks at herself and sees 'too fat / too thin / too short / too tall / too straight / too curly' - but decides she doesn't have time to fix it, so she's going out anyway

Age 40 - She looks at herself and sees 'clean' and goes out anyway

Age 50 - She looks at herself and sees 'I am' and goes wherever she wants to

Age 60 - She looks at herself and reminds herself of all the people who can't even see themselves in the mirror anymore - goes out and conquers the world

Age 70 - She looks at herself and sees wisdom, laughter and ability and goes out to enjoy life

Age 80 - Doesn't even bother to look - just puts on a purple hat and goes out to have fun with the world

Maybe we should put on that purple hat earlier...
My friend, what I love most about you is that you have ALWAYS worn a purple hat!


….and this was sent to us by our friend “the richest man in Surrey” who should be ashamed of himself!

Dear Pastor,

I walked down the busy footpath, knowing I was late for an important meeting. My eye fell upon one of those unfortunate, homeless vagabonds that are found in every city these days. Wearing what can only be described as rags, carrying every worldly possession in two plastic bags, my heart was touched by this person's condition. Some people turned to stare. Others quickly looked away as if the sight would somehow contaminate them.

Recalling some long ago Sunday school admonition to "care for the sick, feed the hungry, and clothe the naked." I was moved by some powerful inner urge to reach out to this unfortunate person. Yes, where some people saw only rags, I saw a hidden beauty.

A small voice inside my head called out, "Reach out, reach out and touch this person"! So I did .....

I won't be in church this Sunday!

Thought this parable would improve OG's mind. - Yeh, right!


Stinking Billy said...

You don't fool me, retired and crazy, I would recognise you anywhere - even from behind. said...

Yes Billie, it's that 19 year old cowgirls trying to get out again!

Sandi McBride said...

I'm sitting here laughing till I puke...not a pretty sight, but you caused it, so don't complain!

Grit said...

that is one splendid post and i am still laughing! thank you!

Anonymous said...

Excellent very funny! I have a daughter who dresses in nudie rags trick is to buy cool t shirts for her... she doesnt realise I am making her wear more clothes.

Maggie May said...

That is an excellent post! Well done. had to have a good chuckle!

Anonymous said...

Very funny!

I don't have a purple hat yet but I'm sure I'll have one someday.

CJ xx said...

Sandi that is conduct unbecoming to an ex law enforcement officer. said...

Glad you like it grit, I do have some weird friends don't I? said...

Hi Mutley, my granddaughter, the one that is getting married, bought an outfit online which was delivered to the office yesterday. My esteemed colleague remarked "my husband wouldn't let me out of the house in that". Different generations huh? And she will look georgeous in it. She always does. said...

I can't take the credit for it Maggie, although I guess I took time to share it with you. So, hey! I will take the credit. said...

Crystal, moral of the tale is GET THAT HAT NOW!

Lori said...

I think that my mother has always worn a purple hat. At 81, she is the most beautiful person I know.

As far as the young woman on the street....I think I wear more than that in the shower!

aims said...

I wouldn't mind having a body like that again...

menopausaloldbag (MOB) said...

Crikey I thought I was anonymous - where did you get that picture of me? said...

Do you know Lori, now I think of it, I think that my mother always wore a purple hat too. said...

You mean you don't aims! said...

No MOB, it may look like you from the rear, but stinking billy recognised that it actually me.

Can Bass 1 said...

But what was the poor girl doing 'wearing' denim on a SUNDAY!!! said...

Wel hello there Can Bass 1 - good to speak to you. Now what is a man of the cloth doing looking at this rubbishy blog?