There is a (denied) rumour that this PC Government has banned the world-famous Red Arrows from appearing at the 2012 London Olympics because they are deemed to be 'too British'? Organisers of the event say that their military background might be 'offensive' to other countries taking part in the Games.
The display team have performed at more than 4000 events worldwide, but the Department of Culture, Media and Sport have decreed that the display team is 'too militaristically British.' Red Arrows pilots were said to be 'outraged', as they had hoped to put on a truly world class display for the Games, something which had never been seen before.
Being axed from a British-based event for being 'too British' is an insult - they are a symbol of Britain and have been excellent ambassadors for British overseas trade, as they display their British-built Hawk aircraft all over the world.
They performed a short flypast in 2005 when the winning bid was announced, but their flypast at the Games was to have been truly spectacular. It is to be hoped that common sense prevails.
If these persistent rumours are true (and I have it on good authority from impeccable sources that they are) and you disagree with this decision, sign the petition on the link Forward this on to everyone you can. What the hell is this country coming to?
And finally ...............I Believe that our background and circumstances may have influenced who we are, but, we are responsible for who we and our country has become.
Tuesday, 26 August 2008
Olympic Games,
Red Arrows
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I can't help but laugh at the thought of the Red Arrows being considered to British to be at the Olympics in their country...what the hell was all the fireworks in China? I certainly hope that political correctness hasn't gone so far as that!
I couldn't agree more I blogged this in April - I see that nearly 480,000 now signed it - still not many people so come on everyone and sign this ... British pride is at stake here ...
Dammit - I can't sign!
What is the world coming to? What are small minds going to think up next is probably more like it.
Have forwarded on the petition to some Brits that I know of.
RAC - I have heard that rumour as well. It's laughable and disgraceful at the same time. Let us hope that common sense will prevail!
A x
How disgusting - the Red Arrows are brilliant.
PS. RAC - I forgot to say on an earlier blog of yours, please keep on blogging! I really enjoy your posts with the occasional rant!
A x
Brit here - sources, please.
It is just unbelievable. Incredible to think that we can't hold something British in Britain!
What next?
CJ xx
what a load of Pi** the UK needs to sort out this smothering PC brigade
Good grief .. we must be the only country in the world which is ashamed to be patriotic. It's unbelievable.
Going to check out the link...
This cannot have had anything to do with Boris Johnson, surely? Whatever else he can be accused of, politically-correct he ain't!
I agree with leatherdykeuk - what are your sources for this scandalous allegation?
To the dotterel - no no - you're quite correct it has nothing to do with BoJo - this started last year, Sept 07 - long before Boris was Mayor of London - maybe it's Red Ken's fault
Mad isn't it Sandi?
Yes, ladythinker, British pride is indeed at stake.
Thanks for forwarding the petition aims.
No smoke without fire Anne. Will common sense prevail? I believe that this is again government by insiduous spin.
I agree Lindsey, they are wonderful and we should be proud of them.
All I am prepared to say leatherdyke is that my source is in the military and involved with planes.
Should we be surprised though CJ? This country is not what it was.
It makes me purple with rage at times Crystal. Blood pressure tablets here I come again!
Well, Valleys Mam, we are on the job aren't we?
That's what I love about BoJo Dotterel. I heartily sick to death of the PC, Health & Safety sodding idiots.
Oh doglover, you really do love to wind me up don't you? More pills, quickly!!
The Red Arrows are so British they CANNOT be left out. I was just thinking the day the party started in London (at the end of the Beijing closing ceremony) and when the Red Arrows flew over London, that they MUST be in the 2012 celebrations. I did not know there were plans exclude them. Far better than all the military goose-stepping in Beijing any day.
I am almost speechless. Too British for a British olympic games! What utter nonsense. I have signed the petition and email the link to friends and family.
As readers will see, the official response on the petition site states that this is NOT true and no decision has been made.
Somebody has been reading too much Daily Wail!
Well then I really should consider myself lucky to have seen them a couple of weeks ago in Eastbourne at their air show!
I am so incensed with fury! What a load of bullshit!
Long live the Red Arrows!
Ian in Norfolk - I saw that statement and was puzzled that they said there were five more years before the London Olympics. Then I saw it was dated summer 2007. It is possible that someone has had second thoughts.
Remember, R&C says her sources are impeccable. Do you think she should have spelt it "sauces"? We all know she's a brilliant cook.
I am a sucker for a marching band and the Red Arrows Roserio so I sincerely hope that they get their place in the sunshine at the Olympics.
I signed the petition too MaryMary along with all the other patriots.
Thanks for visiting Ian. Sorry to be cynical, but this Government makes me suspect every last lying propaganda word that they utter.
Far from being tainted by the Daily Wail I form my own opinions by observing the way things are in the country now.
I personally know two men who were mugged recently one in Cambridge and one in Wisbech. Not, you would image, the usual hotbed of crime.
In both cases they are family men who were severely injured, hospitalised and, again in both cases, police said there was no point in fingerprinting evidence found at the scene.
I observe the way that immigrants have taken over our small market town taking presedence over local needy people on the housing lists.
I could cite many, many cases of total sytemic and dangerous mis-management at both local and national level.
Sorry, I'm ranting again aren't ?
Once again, thanks for your visit Ian. Please come back again.
Aw shucks DogLover, you say such nice things to me.
We occasionally see them in the sky over Lincolnshire Lin. They are a sight to behold aren't they?
Maggie, really, it's not like you to use strong language, but I completely agree.
Hi there RAC - just popped in to say that as I always enjoy your posts I have left an award for you on my blog. Hope you can collect it sometime.
A x
Just coming over now Anne. How exciting. Thanks.
I think the Red Arrows would be splendid at the London Olympics, only this week-end Bournemouth has had it's first Air Festival and the Red Arrows have done 2 exhabitions for the past three days. A fine display.
you know what the really sad thing about this, is that citizens of Britian voted these idiots to power..........and you know what its no better in Canada, not one of them has an ounce of common sense between them..........totally crazy if you ask me...
Gill in Canada, formerly from Britain.
Here bloody here. x
Thanks for visiting Yvonne. I read about their display at Bournemouth. They just get better and better don't they?
Hi Gill, thanks for visiting. I note that you haven't lived in the UK for a number of years. It shows! I can assure you that this small island is on self-destruct and by comparison Canada is a well run paradise.
Discriptive and succinct Memsahib.
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