For one awful moment OG forgot that he had demolished the stairs. Having survived that shock he grabbed his hammer and bolster and battered hell out of the wall for giving him such a fright. Not to be outdone, the man in the iron mask then attemped to set fire to the whole house!
What are they doing? Extending the steel beam so that the pillars can be demolished to enlarge the sitting room and increase the upstairs area enabling one bedroom to be divided into two.
Onto more mundane things. Blog chatter about facebook replacing blogging! I had a bad experience with facebook this week. I clicked on an image sent to me by a "friend". As it happened it had not been sent by this "friend" but by some sad, mad git who spends time salivating in a dark room thinking up ways to screw up software and PC's.
Luckily I had expert help on hand and my man Robert dug me out of this viral hellhole. But be warned, don't click on any links, particularly photographs or videos unless you are 100% sure they are kosha. I can't believe that I actually did it myself because I am normally so aware of the dangers but for some reason facebook had lulled me into a false sense of security and a moment of madness.
I ranted and raged, vowing never to use facebook again. Lo and behold five minutes later found me on facebook complaining bitterly to a "friend" about the dreadful dangers lurking in this particular cyberspace! Mad or what? Replace blogging? I think not. Blogging is for sane, rational people like me and facebook is for idiots!
Must go now, I have to check out what's occurring on facebook.
please keep posting pics of your wonderful diy projects. it reminds me there is always hope.
and as for facebook, i would be so late to get into the culture it will be passed by the time i get there.
Haven't got into Facebook RAC - it takes all my time coping with the blog!
Tell OG to send for Fireman Sam if the MITIM causes any trouble!
A x
That remodel looks exciting - in more ways than one!
Facebook is awesome as long as I never spend any time on it...
I agree with Grit........ Too old for learning something else. Lucky you have got me on the blogger. it was touch & go! Besides when would I get house work done? It is bad enough now.
Looking forward to seeing your progress. Do not let OG fall down those stairs.
I'm glad to hear OG is feeling well enough to fall downstairs and beat up the walls! That's funny! LOL!
I joined Facebook a couple of weeks ago. I guess I am an idiot as I still haven't sussed it out.
CJ xx
Face book replace blogging? God I hope not. Hope the house redo is coming along well...and remember, watch those killjoys...just can't figure what people get out of trying to destroy other peoples hard earned entertainment for!
You are far too intellent to grapple with facebook grit. Leave it to durbrains like me.
Fireman Sam, Anne? You are surely not inferring that OG and the MITIM are dangerous juveniles, No surely not!
The re-model IS exciting MoziEsme. Apart from the dust!
Housework Maggie? What's that?
Yes, Jay and he is also feeling well enough to get pissed off with me.
Do you know CJ, I am gradually getting sucked into facebook. Very sinister.
Killjoys don't phase me Sandi. They are just saddos/
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