Sunday was not such a good day. I fell and spent most of the afternoon at A&E. Luckily my ribs were not broken but they are very, very painful. It was so silly. On my way back from loading the washing machine in its temporary 17 month old home in the garage I twisted my foot on a small piece of gravel in the drive and over I went.
The charming doctor was very sympathetic and asked if we lived in a bungalow because so many old people are prone to falling down stairs. The bastard obviously hadn't realised that I’m only a 19 year old cowgirl inside, but as I have been reading a new self improvement book and was on my best behaviour I refrained from pointing this out to him. He then drivelled on that maybe I should consider getting a stair lift and I should, at least, take more care. Me! With my new Hollywood bedroom! How romantic is to go upstairs on a Stannah Stairlift. I think not!
Then, came the ultimate insult. Pointing to OG he said “whereas your husband, being a very fit, agile man with no spare weight, would not have hurt himself if he had fallen”. Full-marks to me for not decking the self-righteous misguided smug SOB.
Here is s photograph of my fit husband preparing the new home for the laundry machines and, I might add, not a day too soon!

And finally …… I'm not a complete idiot -- Some parts are just missing
Sorry about ribs. A year or two ago I fell whilst out dog walking and could just make it home. It was over the Xmas period and I had to call out of hours people. A doctor rang back in 8 hours and suggested I came to the hospital by car. The reason I could not make A&E was because I could not get into a car!!!! I gave up and after Xmas went to physio who gave me exercises to hurry up healing. I found the whole experience extremely painful and offer you all sympathy.
I think you would have been well within your rights to give the Doc a smack in the chops!
Get rid of the gravel, concrete everything!
Hope your bruises heal quickly.
Full marks indeed! How dare he be so insulting!! So it was your fault you hurt yourself? I'd be hopping mad ... well, I would if I wasn't already on crutches having twisted my foot and bruised some ribs, anyway!
Sorry you hurt yourself. Never mind old folk falling downstairs, I live in fear of it myself, since my ankles give way so easily!
Sorry to hear about your fall.
What a tactless doctor! Couldn't he see you were only 19 trapped inside an older body! Just like me!!!!
frightening, isn't it!
You should have grabbed the little gobshite's knackers between a nice tightened gripped hand until he sang like an opera babe on helium. Bedside manner of Mr Joseph Mengel himself alright! Painkillers and alcohol - magic pain relief. X
I think if that doctor had said that to me, he would have ended up in A&E himself!!
If I hadn't been so sorry that you had hurt yourself I would have laughed out loud. Who do these young whipper-snappers think they are! Well done for being so restrained.
Glad though that OG is getting on with your laundry room - "it's an ill wind" .. blah blah.
Also good to hear you had such fun with your grand-daughters. Mamma Mia should be a must for all. My OH enjoyed it also, we took our GDs to the cinema to see it. A few days later I went with my daughter and enjoyed it even more.
A x
I don't believe any of it! What 19-year old cowgirl slips on a bit of grit?
I reckon you broke your ribs laughing at that guy pretending to do the DIY stuff in your new home. Serves you right ...
I reckon that doctor must have been ill the day they did "treat your patients with tact" in his training. I hope your ribs are feeling better! The more athletic you are, the more opportunities to trip over things, I say.
Oh, and it reminds me of the day a hairdresser making chit chat said "I suppose your children must be grown up now". They were 11 and 13 at the time.
You poor thing. Hope you make a quick recovery. I'd milk it for a while and be waited on as much as.
CJ xx
Oh my GOD, I'm sorry you fell but why the hell didn't you punch the Doc out for those remarks. You could have always claimed that you hit your head when you fell and were not in your right mind! I've laughed till I've nearly peed myself, so you just stay off the ground now and quit giving the doc's ammo to fire at you!
hugs you naughty 19 year old cowgirl!
I have to express much disapproval over the Dr's remarks. In my view us better padded ladies end up bruised and shaken but it's the fit skinny ones that often end up with broken bones after a fall - so don't let your old man trip over a pea size bit of gravel . .
I hope you are feeling better now ..
ouch! dig cracked a rib falling over a concrete block in yemen. the doc says broken ribs hurt when you laugh. which is ok, because dig laughed in 1998 and hasn't done it since.
I had a similar experience a few years ago Lindsay when I broke my sternum. The break was not picked up at A&E and I was in so much pain the next day OG rang the on call Dr who told me to go and see him. They just don't get it do they?
Thanks Wayne, I would have smacked him in the chops, but he was acutally being very sweet about it.
The worse part Jay was that he wasn't meaning to insult me. He just saw a frail old lady and thought he was giving me good advice. Tosser.
Why can't anyone see this 19 year old cowgirl inside Maggie? It's a mystery!
Took your advice on the painkillers and alcohol MOB. Now you are one fine lady that understand me!
Rosiero, he actually was in A&E.....
I had the excuse to see it again this week Anne when we had the four children sleepover. And this coming weekend I have my 2 french grandchildren sleeping over so - out will come the film again!
You've rumbled me DogLover. Again!
Athletic I ain't guineapigmum, but I do agree that fit does not always equal invincable.
I certainly am milking it CJ. You would be proud of me.
Sandi I obviously need to take you up on your previous offer of tuition in how to be a real cowgirl. I take it that it entailes punching people out? Great stuff! I would love to do that!!
My ribs are still very painfull Ladyththinker, but thanks to MOB's advice and a copious supply of drugs from OG I have found the glorious joys of painkilles.
Grit I am wondering if dig and OG come from the same gene pool because I seem to recall that he laughed in 1998 too.
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