Switzerland has no concept of "Health & Safety". The children are left free to roam and enjoy. Imagine a slide like this in England!

And this suspension bridge is over a 750M gouge. To give you an idea of how scary that is it's like slinging a suspension bridge between two structures more than twice as tall as the eiffel tower with a raging torrent running in the valley far below. Added to the fear factor is the sensation of terror you feel as it sways in the wind and rocks from side to side as you walk. We thought that it would be a great scary experience for the girls. It was, but scared? Nah. They deliberately rocked the bloody thing, howling with laughter as OG and I clung on for dear life.

And then we did a very silly thing. We re-visited Villar, the area where we used to live and fell in love with it all over again. Unfortunately it is a very expensive area and way, way beyond our reach unless we care to take out a mortgage again, which we have no intentions of doing.
Now the plan is to do nothing until next spring for various reasons including-
1. We should know more about the status of OG's cancer. He goes for another CT scan this month, with results on 4th September. I must say that he hasn't been feeling too great and is not extremely optimistic at the moment, although he looks very well.
2. The house renovations and a commitment that I have will be finished, giving us more time to sanzy doodle about.
3. Maybe our flat in Scotland will sell giving us the additional funds to afford an apartment in Villars again.
When I first mooted this as an idea the two girls got over excited at the prospect of another visit to the Alps in Spring. They don't quite get the concept of us needing to be child free so that we can concentrate on the task in hand. To them every day is an adventure. They absolutely love it there and have never forgiven us to selling our apartment.
And finally .... this comes compliments of DogLover -
The Highest Human Position In The World
Do you know who holds the highest position in the world?
President Barack Obama? Nope. Pope Benedict? Nope. The Dalai Lama? Nope.
Do you want to know WHO that person is? It's Babu Sassi, a fearless young man from southern India, and the cult hero of Dubai 's army of construction workers.
Known as the "Indian on the top of the world", Babu is the crane operator at the world's tallest building, the 819-meter burj dubai (http://www.burjdubai.com/ which, incidentally, is just a tad higher than the suspension bridge that we were on.
His office, the cramped crane cab perched on top of the Burj, is also his home.
It takes too long to come down to the ground each day to make it worthwhile - although, when the building is completed, its elevators will be the world's fastest.
Stories about his daily dalliance with death are discussed in revered terms by Dubai 's workers. Some say he has been up there for more than a year, others whisper that he's paid 30,000 dirhams ($8,168) a month compared with the average wage of 800 dirhams a month.
But everyone agrees, he's worth it - because nobody else would have the courage to do the job!
Switzerland is my favouritest country ever, hope you had fun!
Such a lovely holiday with absolutely beautiful children but you do know that the first thing I would do is fall off that suspension bridge, right? I'm sending up a prayer for healing for OG...and you know what, I believe it worked...hope you get your apartment!
Wow, Chapati, that is spooky. I was just about to visit you. Here I come now.
Thanks for the prayers Sandi. He is actually a walking miracle and that can only be explained by the prayers many, many people have offered up for him. Thanks again.
You know what I think - follow your dreams!
I do hope and pray that OG will be found fit & well.
My husband has a hospital trip on Tuesday to find out what more can be done as the drug he is on is now not working properly.
I never like to go too far from a hospital myself. However, if you can get insurance & can afford to go private, then go ahead.
Switzerland sounds a lovely & clean place to live. Makes a change that they are not dominated by *Health & Safety*!
Your girls certainly looked as though they were having a good time - lovely little faces. Do hope OG's results are good. Fingers crossed. And good luck too with the apartment. A x
PS - Babu Sassi is welcome to his job - would never get me up there!
Of course, strictly speaking, Babu has far from the highest position in the world.
You and OG were in a much higher position when you were in your lovely flat in Villars! How could one ever forget being driven up from the valley floor by OG!
Switzerland is the only country i would leave the good old UK for - and then only if my family came along as well.
My fingers are crossed fro the 4th Sept. I hope all goes well.
Crazy, can I begin by adding my own best wishes for OG's health, and concurring with your own (implied) disgust with this country's fixation with H & S to the detriment of our freedom and lifestyle, but 'sanzy doodle'?
Is that an East Midlands expression? x
Hope Davy's results are good..Missing you Both and remember you in our prayers.XX
Sending you many good thoughts and prayers for OG. I know how scary this all is.
Wouldn't it be lovely for you both to be able to go live in Switzerland again? Sell the apartment and just do it!
The crane operator is insane. That's all I can say about him. LOL!
COngrats on POTD nomination from David!
Terrific post, and what a great holiday with those delightful girls.
Sending the strongest thoughts for OG.
Congratulations on your POTD mention.
Came over from David's blog and congratulations on POTD Contender.
Hard to believe that Switzerland doesn't think about safety and health, especially for children! Yours, BTW, are just adorable!
If Babu is truly getting that much money, he surely deserves it.
Congrats on the POTD!
I'm still feeling a little dizzy from reading your post!!
The sights must have been great from way up there.
Now I will check out the link to Babu!
Nice to meet you!
Congratulations on POTD. I hope OG's prognosis is positive and healthy!
I do, aims, I do! This is sometimes my downfall.
Actually Maggie, you have put your finger it. If you are going to be sick it's best to be sick where people speak the same language. Good luck with your husband too.
Thanks for the good wishes Anne. I agree, Babu Sassi is welcome to his job!
I'm not sure what you mean by
"How could one ever forget being driven up from the valley floor by OG!" DogLover. Were you scared or something?
That's another drawback Ladythinker. We miss the family so much when we are away.
Sanzy doodle Billy? Being a good Southern girl from Surrey who has only lived in the East Midlands for 26 years I'm not actually sure if it is a local expression or not. Do you think I may have made it up? Whatever! It's very descriptive isn't it?
Thanks Bernie. By the way how are you? Are you feeling better?
We are now in negotiations buy back our old apartment Jay. Watch this space.
Thanks Sandi, I didn't even know I had a mention until you alerted me.
Thanks for you visit moanie. Nice to talk to you.
The thing with the Swiss GS is that, as you would imagine, they are heavily into extreme sports hence no Heath & Safety!
I hope the link works CG and thanks for the visit.
Thanks for your visit, your congratulations and your good wishes Kim.
I don't think I would ever get on a suspension bridge like that, you get a brave medal for that one! The girls are cuties!
I do hope it's good news on the health issue.
I've never been to Switzerland or anywhere outside the walls of the U.S., but I certainly hope to travel one of these days! Best of luck in your getting to return to the place you love, and certainly live closer to those you love.
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