I know, a very contentious subject, but one that I feel I have to explore right at this moment. Without being boring, I had a "spiritual awakening" as the result of many years in Al-Anon and then at the prompting of my very good friend Bridie. At that time life had become pretty much unbearable, well I thought it was, but little did I realise that it was acutally quite good! But that is another story. One lesson to be learned here, enjoy the moment that you are in, no matter how difficult things are for you.
So....with the help of good friends and the support of an excellent evengelical church in Guildford I came to believe in the power of prayer. I went from being a sceptic to experiencing real miracles in my own life. Things that just defied logic.
This belief has stood me in good stead recently and I have been nourished and supported by the prayers and care of many, many good friends. Has it been working? I can only tell you that anyone else that I have known of with Guillaine-Barre Syndrome has spent months in intensive care. OG spent 7 days on a general ward and was then allowed home. Don't get me wrong, he is dangerously ill, but yesterday we had a deeply peaceful and contented day together. That is a blessing in itself and not many people can say that.
We have now accessed the "care in the community" system and have a great bunch of nurses on call to give us help and re-assurance. One nurse has a brother that had Guillaine-Barre Syndrome in the 1980's and knows all about it. Another nurse was horrified to learn that we were going to struggle to visit the doctor for a review meeting tomorrow. She said "he will come to you, I have flagged you as housebound and he has to come". That was a great relief.
Am I deluded? I don't care if I am, it works for me and I know that I am blessed to have OG and the family and friends that I have.
My prayer "request" now is that the medics find out what is causing his liver to malfunction and the suspected blockage is discovered and dealt with. It would also be good if he could eat because he is only able to manage a bit of cereal in the morning and he has lost a massive amount of weight. I have tried tempting him with all sorts of tit bits and he has tried all the usual stuff like complan, but just throws it up again.
I would just like to end by saying thank you so much to everyone who cares so much. Whether you "believe" or not doesn't matter. Your care is a form of prayer whether you know it or not! So there!!!
Bernard M. Baruch
"I will never be an old man. To me, old age is always 15 years older than I
23 hours ago
I DEFINITELY believe and I have people praying for me all over the world. I am sure that I would be in pieces if it were not for prayer, as I feel I am surrounded by peace like being in the eye of the storm. Going for a CT scan Wednesday PM.
OG very much in thoughts and prayers. It is remarkable that he has got home so soon after suffering from Guillaine-Barre Syndrome. Quite remarkable.
I am grateful for prayers OR positive thoughts whatever people can throw at me. (as I am sure you & OG are too.)
God Bless & hoping the next few weeks will prove to be miraculous for both our families!
Nuts in May
"It would also be good if he could eat because he is only able to manage a bit of cereal in the morning"
Do you mean that that's all he can eat in a day? If so, surely that's not enough even for a day in bed (no matter how many prayers we are offering up for him).
You are both in my thoughts and prayers. You both sound so very brave.
So glad you are finding support in the system around you. Whew!
Keeping you and yours in my thoughts.
anything that i spositive is good ,it feeds us and those around us
Keep being positive and get OG on ome intravenous nourishment soonest
Thinking of you
Amen, Brother, (I mean Sister)!!! I have a daughter who had some blockage (pancreas, gallbladder or something) and her symptoms were the same....when she ate, she threw it up. They were able to stent the obstructed tube to keep it opened, and "bingo" she was better. Sure pray that OG gets this fixed. Positive thoughts are being sent your way. Love you. Flagmaker
I believe in the power of prayer and in healing. It is wonderful that OG was able to come home and be at peace with you and your family.
Hi there,
Came to your blog via one blog and then another and was intrigued by your post head-line. I agree with you too, and felt compelled to ask if you had come across a book by Larry Dossey called 'The Healing Power of Prayer'? It is up there with some of my greatest, most inspirational books I have read! All about the subject you write, but particularly in relation to healing illness.
Inspiring thoughts, thanks for sharing.
From Amelia (over at: www.101birdtales.blogspot.com)and good luck xx
Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.
Love Granny
Life moves in mysterious ways! I find knowing there are people who are out there who care helps me too. I do hope they can sort out the GBS and liver problems soon. Meanwhile... one day at a time.
I think prayer, in whatever form one chooses to pray, is important. You and your husband, and all my family and friends throughout the universe, are daily in my thoughts and prayers. Like you, I am grateful for the good things that come my way and, while I am not especially happy when ill befalls me, I realize that it must happen for some reason.
I am glad that, in this crazy realm of medicine, some things are finally working out for you.
Keep the faith!
I know that miracles can happen Maggie, but I'm fading fast here. I need everyone else to believe for me now.
You are right DogLover, and yesterday he didn't eat one thing and was even finding it difficult to dring.
Bravery doesn't come in to it Lin. You live the hand that you are dealt and at times like this you wish the dealer would deal a good hand for a change!
Without the support of our family I think we would drown right now aims.
Dispite my seeming negativity at the moment VM, I do try to remain positive but, truth be told, I'm terrified.
After our session with our GP he told us why it wasn't the pancreas but, flagmaker, people that know me , including you, know that I'm such a cussed sob that I never take no for an answer and I still think that his pancreas is causing a problem!!
You are right momcat, we have actually had a few days of peace, which in itself is a miracle.
Thanks for your visit Amelia. I will look out for that book because books played a big part in my eventual spiritual awakening. One particular book by Catherine Marshall had been recommended to me by flagmaker and when I eventually read it it blew my mind.
Thanks granny. Your thoughts and prayers and those of many, many others sustain us.
Yes, one day a time is the way to go at the moment isn't it Rosiero?
I will keep the faith RNSANE.
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