I thoroughly enjoyed seeing the video and seeing Vinnie. I am so impressed. You've always said he was a great chef, but you know how grandmothers like to brag. Now you really have that right. Flagmaker
1. You must be very proud. 2. I thought, at first glance, it said 'Naan brag'- I had once made some quite nice naan breads, so you see where I was, in my head? 3. my mate has just won a TEFL course in Italy, plus a blog-writing job for The Guardian. Life is good! xx
I'm not surprised your mate has achieved so much Sarah. You move in illustrious circles! Wish her all the very best from me and a mention in your Guardian blog would be good too!!!
Just catching up with missed posts on my return. So sorry to read you have been having a tough time with OG in hospital and coming up against brick walls. Do hope he improves soon. It must be so worrying for you. Hugs X
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Solid as a rock
*Earlier this week, I decided to educate myself and join the posh
classes..... I went to the opera. In my lifetime I have only been to a few
operas, main...
Poetry Reading and Roundtable
Here's our first poetry reading and round table with some of the poets who
have published with Orenaug Mountain Publishing. Enjoy!
The Sunset
Nothing is easy now. Dressing. Toileting. Moving. Moving is especially
hard. She leans backwards. She wobbles as she walks, knees bent, feet
tangling with ...
Benefits Of New York City’s Cryotherapy
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The post Benefits Of New York City’s Cryotherapy appeared firs...
Rinse & repeat
So, I've signed up for another course.
Before I did so, I asked myself whether this would be like the others that
I've taken over the last few years. ...
The Sunday Muse #86A
I could not resist using this great prompt as a vehicle for a Nun joke
Sister Marguerite was attending her duties when she not...
A Year
Our sweet Flicka was put "up" a year ago. We continue to miss her. When we
look through old pictures, she is in so many, always by someone's side,
For as long as I can remember, my birthday has always required that I take
some time to draw away from people, become quiet, and send prayers of
The Waiting Game
The quality of these photos is not brilliant because I took them through
the window for obvious reasons.
As I regularly put food out for the sparrows, ...
*“Nothing in the world is permanent, and we’re foolish when we ask anything
to last, but surely we’re still more foolish not to take delight in it
while ...
I know I haven't posted anything in ages! I apologize for my absence; I
just ran out of things to say. I thought I'd share a short story I wrote
a whi...
Don't Look Now
*The Sunday Times has launched a campaign to bring down the rate of
stillbirths. As part of that they asked me to write a personal piece. This
is the direc...
~Boulders and Blessings~
Life Lessons are sometimes hard. And painful. But life wasn't meant to be
easy. I try to be very aware of God's messages to me......but I can be
dense w...
R.I.P. My Dear Mum
My dear Mum passed away recently, aged 93. She had been in residential
care and seemed fine physically. One weekend morning in March I had a call
Home sweet Como Park
Up at 4 a.m.--well, 4 a.m. Minnesota time, which I never really got off
of--and walking up my front steps by 11 a.m. In the van to the airport the
two w...
A quite return to blogging
Well it's been some time since I did this and even longer since I did this
for the first time, so I thought I would start quietly and not advertise
the ...
Full Circle
All I can remember of that day is sitting in the front seat of a car. I
can't recall the weather, the time of year, or even the model of the
car. We were i...
About time the luck changed in our families. Good news indeed. Congratulations to him. You must be very proud.
Hope OG is doing well now he is home.
Nuts in May
How marvellous!
Er, my diary says it's still 2009 ...
Yes, very proud indeed Maggie.
2009 DogLover? I don't get it! Did The Times Online make a mistake?
What an incredible accomplishment. Congratulations to him and his proud parents!
I thoroughly enjoyed seeing the video and seeing Vinnie. I am so impressed. You've always said he was a great chef, but you know how grandmothers like to brag. Now you really have that right. Flagmaker
1. You must be very proud.
2. I thought, at first glance, it said 'Naan brag'- I had once made some quite nice naan breads, so you see where I was, in my head?
3. my mate has just won a TEFL course in Italy, plus a blog-writing job for The Guardian. Life is good!
The boy done good.
Oh, well done, Vinnie!! He looks as if he really enjoys his work, which is nice, and he's also a sweetie!
You must be proud indeed!
He has overcome some huge hurdles to get where he is today RNSANE. He is a true hero. And so good to his nan!
Good cook is putting it mildly flagmaker, he is a truly outstanding cook.
I'm not surprised your mate has achieved so much Sarah. You move in illustrious circles! Wish her all the very best from me and a mention in your Guardian blog would be good too!!!
He surely did Wayne.
The video doesn't do him him justice Jay. I think that if you met him you would drop Jonny Depp like a hot brick!
Just catching up with missed posts on my return. So sorry to read you have been having a tough time with OG in hospital and coming up against brick walls. Do hope he improves soon. It must be so worrying for you. Hugs X
Good to have you back again Rosiero. To my shame I have still done nothing about your kind Kreative Writing Award. I will when I have time, I promise.
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