Well as funerals go, that one was pretty good. I'm not sure how many came, but it must have been well over 200 at the church and standing room only at the crematorium.
This was our order of service http://www.infotelsolutions.com/davy/, which was very "Davy". He would have loved it. The church was awash with sobs and smiles and we even had a laugh at the end. When I read out the Serenity Prayer the last line was missing and I couldn't remember it! I froze, asked if anyone knew the last line, then realised how fitting it was to foul up right at the end. I just shrugged my shoulders, laughed and said "Ah well! Davy hated long goodbyes".
One weird moment was after the final committal prayer, the curtains closed, the final song "I can see clearly now the rain has gone" started and the funeral director came up to me saying "when you are ready Ann just follow me and we will all file out". I thought, "what about Davy, where's he?" Because up until that point my "trigger" had been to blindly follow the coffin. When Davy moved, I moved. Now I have to walk my path alone.
Elaine Gill
"If you have any doubts that we live in a society controlled by men, try
reading down the index of contributors to a volume of quotations, looking
for wome...
7 hours ago
Oh Ann I am sure is Davy following even now where ever you are.Bless him.
The book was lovely, it took me a while to be able to open it and look it when we got there as we saw his photo and it just didnt seem real he was there waving and smiling at us..so WHY WASNT HE NOW...
You did him proud Ann as so did the rest of the family. It was a lovely moving day, and there were tears and laughter like you said.
As for the last line of the prayer,that was Davys doing bet he was laughing and saying well that messed (or something stronger knowing Davy) that up....So he had the last laugh after all.
You are not alone Ann you have all your family and friends all around and with all our love you WILL get through this as will everyone, it may not seem like it at the minute...He will live on as we will always be talking about him, his little quotes and ways, and you should put a book together of all of this his little antics it would be quite nice...
Love you lots
what a great way to celebrate his life
made me weep and smile
I am feeling very weak today but felt I had to write & let you know that I read your post and my heart is with you.
Maggie X
Nuts in May
Such a moving post. Yes, you will have to learn to walk by yourself now. It will be hard, but you will get there. By the way Greg' sister had a live-in shop in Donnington for a good many years, lived for a while in Swineshead and also worked in Boston's Pilgrim Hospital. A small world. I know Gosberton well.
Thursday was an amazing day Ann. Hard for you all,I know, sad, but the whole service was truly inspiring and uplifting. You did him proud! Yep he'll be happy with that one!!!
And in any rainy moments you may have in time to come you must always remember, my dear friend, you will NEVER be walking alone.
Loadsa xxxxxxxx
I read the booklet--what a wonderful way to honor and reflect on a man who obviously earned the love and respect of many people. Thank you for sharing his life with those of us who never had the priviledge of meeting him.
What a beautiful farewell Ann. I too read the booklet and have never seen anything like that here and think it is wonderful.
You will never be alone - Davy will always be there beside you and you will know it.
It is in the weeks that come - when you feel alone - that you will need to reach out and let us know you need us. We'll be here for you.
Dear Ann - so glad to know that all went well for you. The booklet, a lovely idea and a wonderful tribute to your dear OG. A x
Was so, so sad to hear of Davy's death. He will live on through so many other lives he touched. The book of the service was very moving and captured his spirit so well.I enjoyed seeing the photos and remembering with fondness past times. Both you and Davy helped our family so much and we thank you. Love, prayers & hugs, Lynda x
An incredible Order of Service booklet - thank you for sharing it with us all.
You may physically 'walk alone' now but Davy will still be by your side in spirit. As well as held securely in your heart.
Sorry for your troubles.
The celebration booklet was a lovely idea.
I'm sure Davy will know he was loved and appreciated by your family and friends. You won't be walking alone.
That was absoultely beautiful. It couldn't been done better. I loved the music (especially Willy). I remember hearing Davy sing Willy's song. The pictures absolutely were Davy's style. I shared it with my family and your friends in Washington and Oregon. Flagmaker
Jax, I'm going for the gathering of this "weird and wonderful sayings" idea. If anyone has anything they remember please email me and I'll write them down.
It was a very emotion, cathartic day VM.
And my heart is with you too Maggie. Bless you.
Drop in if you are ever up this way Rosiero. Small world.
I'm like you ladywholunches, at times I find it hard to recognised that I need help. But when I do you will be the first on my call list!
If just wish you could have all met him Jennifer, he was surely a "one off".
aims, your support has seen me through some tricky times and, no doubt, will see me through a many more. Thank you for being there.
Yes, Anne, it seemed the right thing to do.
It was so good to talk to you again yesterday Lynda. Let's "for sure" meet up again this year.
As it says in the Prohet "For what is your friend that you should seek her with hours to kill?
Seek her always with hours to live".
You are right ladythinker. He is in my heart always.
Davy not only knew that he was loved and appreciated by his friends Monalise, he demanded it!!
If you remember Davy singing Willy flagmaker you will remember how tone deaf he was.
The funny thing about that song is that Davy loved it because he said he never told enough how much he loved (completely untrue, he was always telling me). And I love it for the same reason.
Dearest Ann -
The booklet was beautiful. It brought me to tears. Your Davy must have been a great man - he was loved by so many people. Just keep going as best as you can and if you should need your blogger friends we are here.
Mare Freeborn
it just didnt seem real he was there waving and smiling at us..so WHY WASNT HE NOW...
Work From Home
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