This morning was my 1st time for a massage. All went OK until he felt my shoulders. "ah lady zis is not a luxury, zis is a necessity! Your shoulders are very naughty." "naughty?" "yes, naughty" "ah, you mean knotty" "yes, zis is what I say, naughty."
Now there was a time when if a French man said my shoulders were naughty that is exactly what he would have meant! Ah well!
Off up the mountain again now to meet VInnie for lunch. Tiresome I know but, as they say, someones got to do it.
Please keep leaving comments. Únfortunately I can't respond right now but I love to read them.
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Douglas Adams
"It is no coincidence that in no known language does the phrase 'As pretty
as an Airport' appear."
16 hours ago
Sounds like pure bliss, you lucky thing you!
Nuts in May
Naughty shoulders? Oh, tee hee! LOL!
I hope the massage helped!
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