This is where Starbucks first began, opposite Seattle's Pike Street Market. There are always buskers outside, attracted by the crowds paying homage to an American icon.
The market is also an interesting place, especially the fish traders. When a buyer makes a large purchase they shout and throw the huge fish to each other. Doesn't sound much but it's quite spectacular.
Many years ago we had a wonderful meal in what was at that time the best restaurant in Seattle. As it was my last day we set out on a mission to find it again and although we didn't know it's name or even what street it's on by some miracle we found it. It's called
Palamino and is on the corner of Pike and 5th and it is still amazing.
Now I'm waiting to board my flight for the long journey home. Luckily I've been upgraded so I should get some sleep.
Home for two sleeps, then off to my next destination where I will enjoy some well earned sunshine
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Bernard M. Baruch
"I will never be an old man. To me, old age is always 15 years older than I
17 hours ago
I'm missing you already. Have a restful trip home (me feet ache). Enjoyed every moment. Hurry back soon. Flagmaker
You are definitely a jet setter. I am so envious. I wish I were still working and traveling as I did in the past. It seems like a million years ago since my October birthday trip to Rome and Barcelona and the six day Med cruise.
How utterly marvellous to actually be outside the place where Starbucks began. How can one be so lucky.
Or am I just a stupid Brit who thinks that Starbucks coffee is pretty indifferent and vastly over-rated and vastly over-priced? Perhaps our local branch is untypical and I'm missing something.
[My brain, for instance]
I'm gonna go all Victor Meldrew on you and say I HATE STARBUCKS. I resent the Americanisation of Britain and the fact that Starbucks seem to put their cafes in the most ostentatious places. They are sprouting up everywhere like MacDonalds. They've even got one spoiling the view of Berlin's Brandenburg Gate. Sorry to be a spoilsport, but I'd like to demolish the lot of them. Rant over!
Missing you too Flagmaker. Thank you and Jack for giving me the rest and support I needed. Eternally grateful.
You are still a bit of a jetsetting yourself Carmen.
Now, now, now DogLover & Addy. Where did I write that I actually like Starbucks? I merely reported on the fact that this is their first coffee shop. This does not mean that I like it! I agree with you, it's not nice, but what a brilliant marketing campaign! I wish I knew how they did it!
If you really want to know about Starbucks' advertising, R&C, go to You'll have to subscribe. "Adbrands Company Profiles provide a detailed analysis of the history and current operations of leading advertisers, agencies and brands worldwide, and include a critical summary which identifies key strengths and weaknesses. Adbrands Account Assignments tracks account management for the world's leading brands and companies, including details of which advertising agency handles which accounts in which countries for major markets".
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