On a sunny Monday afternoon sat in the gloom of the roller disco. The things I do for my great grandchildren! But I guess it keeps me out of mischief.
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Bernard M. Baruch
"I will never be an old man. To me, old age is always 15 years older than I
23 hours ago
You know it keeps you young!
Maggie x
Nuts in May
Why weren't you on the dance floor doing the twist? Boy! wish I was young again, eh!
Oh yes, only to be young again Eddie!
You're a slim young cowgirl to some of us!
I know that your feet were tapping and you would have been doing a little boggie if your grandkids wouldn't have given an embarrassed, "Oh, Grandma!"
Roller Disco? They still have that? I thought the world was getting better, but I guess I was mistaken :-)
Aw shucks DogLover, you say the nicest things!
Carmen, you know me so well.
I have one word for you Suldog, jaded :-) That's a good word isn't it? I must remember to use that more often!
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